The Week of April 9th

This is going to be a fairly short post, since I wrote such a lengthy post yesterday about what has been going on. Last week was
pretty good (except for my huge splurge on my birthday). I have still been eating fairly well, but have struggled with the motivation to exercise. I dread getting ready for the gym, driving to the gym, and every minute of the work out. However, when I’m finished I am glad that I went. Is that messed up or what? I have a feeling that it is because I am not feeling challenged enough. I’m not sure. Regardless, I still lost 5.6 pounds last week.

Changing it UP!

I wrote about my desire to change up my work out routine in yesterday’s post. I am very proud to say that I finished my first couch to 5K work out. Let me tell you, if I thought I needed to challenge my body this work out definitely accomplished it. I felt like I got a more challenging work out in 30 minutes of the walk/run combination (1 1/2 minutes of walking followed by 1 minute of running for 20 minutes). I was dripping in sweat and my legs felt like rubber – BUT I DID IT! I am so very proud. And I am looking forward to the next work out on Wednesday. For some reason though, it felt like I had pushed my body much harder in those 30 minutes on the treadmill than for an hour on the elliptical and yet I burned probably at least half the calories on the treadmill. Oh well, I know what my body is feeling now and it was a great work out for me.

Now, while I did succeed in getting my first “run” in, I did not handle my schedule as well as I should have today.  As a result I was not able to make it to the exercise class as I had hoped. I know what changes I need to make and plan on handling my time better next week. Does anyone else struggle with time management like I do?

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