Going through the BIG D

I’m back 🙂 I bet most of you probably thought that I had fallen off the wagon, huh? I am VERY proud to say that I have not fallen off the wagon. I may have made the wagon a bit more comfortable, but I have definitely not fallen off. I have been so very busy over the past several weeks that I have not had time to blog. Which I regret because I haven’t been keeping track of my wonderful progress. I cannot believe that over a month has passed since my last post. I am proud to announce that I have lost an additional 20 pounds since my last post. I am currently at 178.2 pounds. Which means I have lost 75.8 pounds since Christmas. HOLY COW!

So why haven’t I been around blogging? Well my 5 year marriage has ended and I have been moving my ex husband out of my house. Talk about life changing, huh? Talk about a great opportunity to eat and eat and refuse to exercise. I’m not going to say that there hasn’t been moments, because there have. But, I will say that I have kept the forward momentum going. Now that I’m a single mom of two very active girls I have had to rethink my work outs. I don’t get to the gym for formal work outs as often as before, but I try to get there about twice a week. Though, everyday during my breaks at work I am walking about 3 miles total. The walking in conjunction with really watching my calories still I am still losing weight.

I really need to take new measurements and some recent pictures. I hope to do that in the next week or so. I am proud to say that my size 12 capris that I have on now are getting pretty loose. I may even attempt a size 8. We shall see!!

Review of this Week

This has been another really good week of weight loss. I have lost a total of 3 pounds this week putting me back down to 235
pounds. This means I am only 5 pounds away from my first goal! This is a huge accomplishment for me because even though I have set weight loss goals in the past I have never actually reached any of the weight loss goals I have set.

At the beginning of October I had my husband help get accurate measurements using the tape measure that we have. I won’t be sharing exact measurements (yet), but I plan to share the number of inches lost on a monthly basis. The first measurement results will be on the November 7th Blog Post. I am looking forward to finding out those results. Continue reading

Hitting an Exercise Wall

Today is Saturday and for the past couple of weeks I have reserved Saturdays for my weekly review posts. However, in order to keep in line with the stats on Lose It! I have decided to move those posts to Mondays from now on.

My weight loss is going very very well right now. I am losing weight at a much higher pace than I anticipated. It seems as though I have found a good balance between eating the right number of calories for my body and creating a calorie deficit mainly based on my daily exercise. The exercise portion is what I am writing about today. Is it possible to burn yourself out on exercise? I’m not sure Continue reading

Review of this week

I stepped on the scale this week to learn that I have lost 5 pounds this week, so now I am down to 242 pounds. This was a large weight loss that I was not anticipating this week, and certainly do not expect this kind of weight loss every week. Though, it really does help give me motivation to keep moving forward. Even more importantly, my clothes feel more comfortable – dare I say they actually feel looser? So about a month into my weight loss journey and I have lost 18 pounds (most of which was water weight) and I feel the best that I have felt in a very long time. Not just Continue reading

Calories Out

Losing weight is all about calories in versus calories out. As a working mom of three active kids sometimes life becomes a little less complicated when I am eating healthy low calorie meals. This is mainly because I will plan for my calories the day before (or even the week before) and so there is a lot less guess work when it comes to making dinner each night. However, finding the time to exercise can become a bit more complicated. Continue reading