Going through the BIG D

I’m back 🙂 I bet most of you probably thought that I had fallen off the wagon, huh? I am VERY proud to say that I have not fallen off the wagon. I may have made the wagon a bit more comfortable, but I have definitely not fallen off. I have been so very busy over the past several weeks that I have not had time to blog. Which I regret because I haven’t been keeping track of my wonderful progress. I cannot believe that over a month has passed since my last post. I am proud to announce that I have lost an additional 20 pounds since my last post. I am currently at 178.2 pounds. Which means I have lost 75.8 pounds since Christmas. HOLY COW!

So why haven’t I been around blogging? Well my 5 year marriage has ended and I have been moving my ex husband out of my house. Talk about life changing, huh? Talk about a great opportunity to eat and eat and refuse to exercise. I’m not going to say that there hasn’t been moments, because there have. But, I will say that I have kept the forward momentum going. Now that I’m a single mom of two very active girls I have had to rethink my work outs. I don’t get to the gym for formal work outs as often as before, but I try to get there about twice a week. Though, everyday during my breaks at work I am walking about 3 miles total. The walking in conjunction with really watching my calories still I am still losing weight.

I really need to take new measurements and some recent pictures. I hope to do that in the next week or so. I am proud to say that my size 12 capris that I have on now are getting pretty loose. I may even attempt a size 8. We shall see!!

A Plateau…..of sorts

Ok, so I have been facing some major life changes over the past 6-8 weeks or so. Due to the sensitive nature of this situation I cannot go into detail here yet (probably will in the next couple of months). What I will say is that pretty much every aspect of my life will be radically changing over the next couple of months. To start out with I was dealing with the stress quite well. I was still working out, eating well, and avoiding known temptations when possible. Continue reading

The Week of April 9th

This is going to be a fairly short post, since I wrote such a lengthy post yesterday about what has been going on. Last week was
pretty good (except for my huge splurge on my birthday). I have still been eating fairly well, but have struggled with the motivation to exercise. I dread getting ready for the gym, driving to the gym, and every minute of the work out. However, when I’m finished I am glad that I went. Is that messed up or what? I have a feeling that it is because I am not feeling challenged enough. I’m not sure. Regardless, I still lost 5.6 pounds last week. Continue reading

My 30th Birthday!

I had wanted to get a post out on my 30th birthday, but it just didn’t happen. I had a great morning running errands with my daughters, which included a little bit of shopping which is always fun! We had our usual Saturday activities and so that included taking our four year old to dance class around noon. About that time a huge spring storm system moved into our area bringing lots of rain, thunderstorms, and possibilities of tornados. Originally, the plan was to drive an hour away to have my birthday dinner at “The Cheesecake Factory”, however due to the severity of the weather we decided to stay put and have dinner here in town. Continue reading

Back on Track!

This is not going to be very long, but I did want to give an update on my progress last week. I was able to really get after my goals for the week and buckled down on my calories consumed and tried to really get back to working out like I was doing before. Though, this still continues to be a daily battle that I am struggling with. Friday is a prime example of that. On Friday I went over my calories by over 600 calories. It was poor planning on Continue reading

Week of March 5

I have lost 41 pounds since December 26, 2011. Even typing this sentence I am amazed at that fact. I have encountered bumps along the way. There has been a short term illness that prevented physical exercise. Cravings that wouldn’t go away. Social settings that could lend itself to gross over eating. There have even been days that I have gone over my calorie budget. And yet, somehow I have made it to 41 pounds lost. This is an incredible achievement. However, I still wake up with the voices of addiction taunting me. Just this morning, I was tempted to have a piece of French Silk Pie for breakfast. In the past I would not have blinked an eye at not just having a piece of sinfully delicious pie for breakfast, but eating the rest of the pie. Though, I was able to refocus and remember what Continue reading

Week of February 27th

Well, this week has been kind of an up and down roller coaster kind of a week. I have lost a total of 1.6 pounds, however I started the week at 216.8 pounds and by Tuesday I was up to 218.4 pounds and now I am down to 215.2 pounds. So, this week I have been battling the scale. Though, I am thrilled that I am still making forward progress. It’s amazing how much my life has changed in the last couple of months in my relationship with food. Earlier this week I was having a chocolate craving. I tried to fight it – I really did. Had I not needed to go to the store for a few grocery items I probably would have resisted, but instead I Continue reading

This Week February 13th

This has been a challenging week for me. If you recall I had a health scare that landed me in the emergency room twice within 6 hours or so. As a result I have not been able to work out this week like I would have otherwise. I have also felt very exhausted all week. Though, I am very proud to say that I have still stayed within my calorie budget all week long even though I have not been able to exercise since Monday. All in all I only lost 0.8 pounds this week. Though, considering what I have been through Continue reading

My Health Scare

The past 18 hours or so has been filled with a crazy series of events. Let me just start by saying that there are lots of reasons that I am losing weight. I want to be comfortable in my own body, I want to look great in my clothes, and I want to keep up with my three very active children. Though, the primary reason for losing weight and maintaining a healthier lifestyle is to take a Continue reading