Going through the BIG D

I’m back 🙂 I bet most of you probably thought that I had fallen off the wagon, huh? I am VERY proud to say that I have not fallen off the wagon. I may have made the wagon a bit more comfortable, but I have definitely not fallen off. I have been so very busy over the past several weeks that I have not had time to blog. Which I regret because I haven’t been keeping track of my wonderful progress. I cannot believe that over a month has passed since my last post. I am proud to announce that I have lost an additional 20 pounds since my last post. I am currently at 178.2 pounds. Which means I have lost 75.8 pounds since Christmas. HOLY COW!

So why haven’t I been around blogging? Well my 5 year marriage has ended and I have been moving my ex husband out of my house. Talk about life changing, huh? Talk about a great opportunity to eat and eat and refuse to exercise. I’m not going to say that there hasn’t been moments, because there have. But, I will say that I have kept the forward momentum going. Now that I’m a single mom of two very active girls I have had to rethink my work outs. I don’t get to the gym for formal work outs as often as before, but I try to get there about twice a week. Though, everyday during my breaks at work I am walking about 3 miles total. The walking in conjunction with really watching my calories still I am still losing weight.

I really need to take new measurements and some recent pictures. I hope to do that in the next week or so. I am proud to say that my size 12 capris that I have on now are getting pretty loose. I may even attempt a size 8. We shall see!!

Back on Track!

This is not going to be very long, but I did want to give an update on my progress last week. I was able to really get after my goals for the week and buckled down on my calories consumed and tried to really get back to working out like I was doing before. Though, this still continues to be a daily battle that I am struggling with. Friday is a prime example of that. On Friday I went over my calories by over 600 calories. It was poor planning on Continue reading

Week of March 5

I have lost 41 pounds since December 26, 2011. Even typing this sentence I am amazed at that fact. I have encountered bumps along the way. There has been a short term illness that prevented physical exercise. Cravings that wouldn’t go away. Social settings that could lend itself to gross over eating. There have even been days that I have gone over my calorie budget. And yet, somehow I have made it to 41 pounds lost. This is an incredible achievement. However, I still wake up with the voices of addiction taunting me. Just this morning, I was tempted to have a piece of French Silk Pie for breakfast. In the past I would not have blinked an eye at not just having a piece of sinfully delicious pie for breakfast, but eating the rest of the pie. Though, I was able to refocus and remember what Continue reading

Week of February 27th

Well, this week has been kind of an up and down roller coaster kind of a week. I have lost a total of 1.6 pounds, however I started the week at 216.8 pounds and by Tuesday I was up to 218.4 pounds and now I am down to 215.2 pounds. So, this week I have been battling the scale. Though, I am thrilled that I am still making forward progress. It’s amazing how much my life has changed in the last couple of months in my relationship with food. Earlier this week I was having a chocolate craving. I tried to fight it – I really did. Had I not needed to go to the store for a few grocery items I probably would have resisted, but instead I Continue reading

Week of February 20th

What a week this has been! I was thrilled that the doctor cleared me for exercise on Monday which led to a week fueled with exercise. I may have gone a little bit crazy with the amount of exercise I did this week, but it was so nice to get back to it. To give myself a bit of credit I did ease into my work outs again by starting with only 30 minutes of cardio and working my way back up to the exercise levels I was before. I did not want to risk getting sick again. I also was able to maintain my calorie budget for the week. Typically I have been trying to eat exactly how many calories that I am allowed each day (especially on my work out days), and creating any Continue reading

This Week February 13th

This has been a challenging week for me. If you recall I had a health scare that landed me in the emergency room twice within 6 hours or so. As a result I have not been able to work out this week like I would have otherwise. I have also felt very exhausted all week. Though, I am very proud to say that I have still stayed within my calorie budget all week long even though I have not been able to exercise since Monday. All in all I only lost 0.8 pounds this week. Though, considering what I have been through Continue reading

Review of this Week February 6th

This week has been a challenging week! I was dealing with a lot of extra stress due to my husband being in the hospital. Not to mention that time of the month so I did a little bit of more over eating than I have in weeks past. Though, even with this being said I have still lost an additional 1.8 pounds.  Continue reading

This Week in Review

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Super Bowl parties last night. We had a great time. I was very excited to be able to indulge in a few treats (namely, brownies) and still stay within my calorie budget for Sunday. Very exciting! Over all this was a very good week. I feel like I am falling into a comfortable rhythm as far as how many calories I need to consume and getting Continue reading

First (of many) Weight Loss Goal Achieved!

I know I just released a post this morning, and it is REALLY not like me to release more than a post a day. I’m lucky most weeks if I am able to release a post or two. However, I wanted to share in the excitement that I discovered this morning when I stepped on the scale. I had not only reached my first weight loss goal of getting down to 230 pounds – I blew it out of the Continue reading

This Week in Review – Learning Food is not the Enemy

This week was a roller coaster of a week. I think in reviewing this week it would be best if I take a look at my calorie habit for the last several weeks. I started out January eating about 1250 calories each day and then I kept reducing my calories further and further because I found myself not having a problem consuming only 800 to 950 calories each day (including the days that I would exercise burning 500-600 calories). I didn’t realize what a dangerous pattern I was starting. If you look at the image to Continue reading